I liked this old concept, (from the first year) and i decided to improve it a bit for the photoshop lesson
Some, research sketches, for the, Exterior Design class
I'll make this as my first Alias model... (i hope.. :P ) Seems.. kind of easy.... :S
Quick sketch made at school...
Some pen sketches, from school... matherials: 1 BIC pen... paper.... and your favorite music.
This is the front view of the Chevy el Camino. The rear is almost finished, i'll post it later.
my interpretation of the new corvette c7
quick sketch of the chevy el camino... made for the photoshop lesson
Cadillac SRX 2015
Pen sketch of a BMW 1 series, inspired by the BMW 2002
Hi guys... it;s summer, time and im in germany, just in the finnal days of my Internship at EDAG.. Im very impressed with my overall improv...
The first year in Turin has finished. and here is the reality, after 9 months ( more or less) i've got good notes, with an overall score...
So, guys, as you can see the difference between a render using flamingo, and another one using bunkspeed is.. huge
As i wrotte here, a few days ago, i wanted to go to Maranello. And after dealing with the ****** italian railway system, i've drove a Fe...
SO, 29, of june 2009, day of my birthday, now, i'll be 20 and, i'll celebrate, going to the Ferrari Museum, and driving a Ferrari :P...
Finnal renders of the APNEA. my submarine, designed for the Transportation Class, with the "badass teacher" ...lol
Pencil sketches, marker, etc, etc...
So after suffering for beeing without electricity at the hotel... because of a .... bastard (sorry i'm still very angry) Here;s my illus...
so,.... is a Tetris... that's all i can say by now BTW is for the Car sketching lesson
apnea,,, not finished
Hand sketch of a Lancia
So, for the "transportation " class with the "Badass" lecturer, (Etienne Thetard from Pininfarina) we have the freedom t...
Hi guys, here's some stuff made with copic markers, i've started hating them , but now is a bit different. :) are great
The people that knows me, knows that i feel more confortable, making sketches, instead of stuff like this, that takes a looooooong time,but...
Well,, there's a LOT of exitement, and speculation about the fusion between Fiat And Chrysler, here in Torino, and, all the world is mak...
Much more than just cars.... :)
Well for clay modelling we had to make a model of a corvette. actually we had to make an old corvette, but i asked Rob, (very nice guy by th...
For transportation class we have a cool teacher, that is always saying "badass" ii love when he says that, because he;s french an...
Sketch.. i love stabilo blue pencil...lol ") some excercise,, about the ford Ka
Some sketching... no big deal i'll upload more later
Hi! so far i've done this for clay modelling, wich is not bad,, but actually we dont have too much time, and in fact the tools that we h...
So, the first term has finished... and we didn't had any holidays, and we have already started the 2nd term... but anyway.... so,..here ...
Well guys,, the first term has just finished, and,,, well, also i've finished my first project, wich was... design a vacuum Cleaner, so,...